
Set up maps on your website

If you are like me you may needed to add a map on a website. This seems not so trivial to do!

First of all you need to pick a map source:

  • Google Maps
  • OpenStreetMap (OSM)
  • Apple Maps
  • Others

As of recently I am trying to use Google's products less and less. So let's skip that option.

OSM is big:

on 2023-02-01, the plain OSM XML variant takes over 1696.6 GB when uncompressed from the 123.4 GB bzip2-compressed or 67.3 GB PBF-compressed downloaded data file
Ref: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Planet.osm

Now that you picked the source of your map how do you display it to the user?

Raster tiles

Raster tiles are pre-rendered images of a certain location.

Raster tile example
This is a sample tile returned from OpenStreetMap Tile server.

If you want to display a map without any dependencies you can just load the needed tiles and join them together.

Raster tile (left) Raster tile (center) Raster tile (right)
Three raster tiles

Sample libraries

Vector tiles

If you want to be modern and cool and can take a look at vector tiles. Vector tiles are tiles that still need to be rendered.

When using raster tiles, if you want to change the map style, you have to use a different set of tiles (often called a tile layer). Whereas with vector tiles, you can simply apply a different style to the same tiles (since the rendering happens on the client-side).

Seems like OSM doesn't support this yet so we will use another tiling provider for examples. Let's pick a server from this list.

Can we fetch the exact same area but as vector? I have queries both MapTiler and Qwant. Vector tiles are returned in PBF format (protobuf). Let's explore its contents:

$ nix-shell -p osmium-tool

$ osmium fileinfo 9484.pbf
  Name: 9484.pbf
  Format: PBF
  Compression: none
  Size: 12483
PBF error: invalid BlobHeader size (> max_blob_header_size)

Oops... Apparently, osmium expects a complete map, like liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf.

In our case we just need to parse a single vector tile in mapbox format. OK let's try to read with Deno using JS libraries:

import Protobuf from 'npm:pbf';
import { VectorTile } from "npm:@mapbox/vector-tile";
import { readFileSync } from "node:fs";

const pbf = new Protobuf(readFileSync('9484.pbf'));
const tile = new VectorTile(pbf);

Trimmed result:

VectorTile {
  layers: {
    water: VectorTileLayer {
      version: 2,
      name: "water",
      extent: 4096,
      length: 2,
      _keys: [ "id", "class", "intermittent", "brunnel" ],
      _values: [ "ocean", 645439964, "swimming_pool", ... ],
      _features: [ 11, 927, ... ]
    landcover: VectorTileLayer {
      version: 2,
      name: "landcover",
      extent: 4096,
      length: 30,
      _keys: [ "class", "subclass" ],
      _values: [ "wetland", "grass", ... ],
      _features: [ 1051, 1103, ... ]
    landuse: VectorTileLayer {
      version: 2,
      name: "landuse",
      extent: 4096,
      length: 8,
      _keys: [ "class" ],
      _values: [ "playground", "residential", "pitch" ],
      _features: [ 3257, 3295, ... ]
    place: VectorTileLayer {
      version: 2,
      name: "place",
      extent: 4096,
      length: 9,
      _keys: [ "name", "name_en", ... ],
      _values: [ "Haapasaari", "Aspholmen", "island", ... ],
      _features: [ 8335, 8371, ... ],
Vector tile example
Rendered vector tile

Sample libraries

Raster vs Vector

Raster Vector
Customizable Need server to render differently Change labels, styles when rendering on the client
Client support ~
Tiling server Can use OSM for low volume queries Need to use a third-party server

Apple maps

Why Apple maps? I have an Apple Developer account so I do get this kind of for free.

MapKit JS provides a free daily limit of 250,000 map views and 25,000 service calls per Apple Developer Program membership.

// Import TypeScript type definition for use in Deno
import _ from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@types/apple-mapkit-js-browser?dts";

const mapKitToken = "my-jwt-token";

// Load and init the map
const script = document.createElement("script");
// This attribute instructs the browser to connect to the MapKit JS CDN using anonymous credentials mode.
// This improves performance by allowing subsequent MapKit JS network requests to reuse the same HTTP/2 connection.
script.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
script.dataset.libraries = "map,annotations";
script.dataset.callback = "initMapKit";

window.initMapKit = () => {
    authorizationCallback: (done) => {

  // Display map on the page
  const map = new mapkit.Map(document.querySelector('#map-container'));

There is a bit of a catch. Apple Maps in some areas has a lot less details.

Raster tile example Vector tile example Apple tile example
OSM Raster / OSM Vector / Apple

What to choose?

It is up to you!

If you already have an Apple developer account then you may use Apple's maps. They provide a high daily limit for free. If you website is low traffic then you can use OSM's raster images directly. If you want maps to look a tiny bit better then you will need to pick a third party provider like https://www.maptiler.com/.

Google maps is also an option if you are into that sort of thing.